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Supernatural Activity (2012) DVDRip 5.1CH 450MB Kill

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

The main story of Supernatural Activity is that a team of paranormal investigators on a show called Supernatural Activity go in search of the Smallquatch a mythical creature found in the small town of Hicksville. While the group do their investigation they are followed by a camera man who is creating a documentary about them, which is part of the film we are watching (yes, we are given the hint that this is very much a parody of Inception). As the host Damon Dealer (Andrew Pozza) shows us how he creates his fake show strange things start to happen, could the Smallsquatch be real? Will the members of the team lost in the woods like in Blair Witch Project be saved? Or could this be as bad as the ending for the Last Exorcism?

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1832516/
Release Date: 31 October 2012
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Andrew Pozza, Liddy Bisanz and Joey Oglesby


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