
News Update :

The Howling: Reborn (2011) 720p Bluray 600MB ShAaNiG

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

On the eve of his high school graduation, unremarkable Will Kidman finally bonds with the girl he has long yearned for, reclusive Eliana Wynter. But he also discovers a dark secret from his past... that he is about to become a werewolf. Now, in an effort to fight destiny and save their love as well as their lives, they must battle not only Will's growing blood lust but an army of fearsome beasts bent on killing them... and then, us all.

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1554092/
Release Date: 18 October 2011
Genres: Horror
Cast: Landon Liboiron, Lindsey Shaw and Ivana Milicevic
Subtitle: Indonesia

[TITLE].........................[ The Howling: Reborn
[DIRECTOR]......................[ Joe Nimziki
[RELEASE DATE]..................[ 18 October 2011 (USA)
[FORMAT]:.......................[ Matroska (MKV)
[GENRE]:........................[ Horror
[NO OF CDs].....................[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 600MB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280x720
[LANGUAGE ]:....................[ English
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ None
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:.............[ 01:32:06
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:..............[ 01:32:06
[ENCODER]:......................[ ShAaNiG
[SOURCE]:.......................[ The.Howling.Reborn.2011.720p.BluRay.x264-KaKa


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