
News Update :

Sucker Punch (2011) FiLTERED 720p Bluray 700MB ShAaNiG

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Credit to toniguns

Genres: Action | Fantasy | Thriller
Cast: Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens and Abbie Cornish
IMDB Rate: 6.1
Synopsis: A young girl (Baby Doll) is locked away in a mental asylum by her abusive stepfather where she will undergo a lobotomy in five days' time. Faced with unimaginable odds, she retreats to a fantastical world in her imagination where she and four other female inmates at the asylum, plot to escape the facility. The lines between reality and fantasy blur as Baby Doll and her four companions, as well as a mysterious guide, fight to retrieve the five items they need that will allow them to break free from their captors before it's too late...
Subtitle: Indonesia

[TITLE].........................[ Sucker Punch
[DIRECTOR]......................[ Zack Snyder
[RELEASE DATE]..................[ 25 March 2011 (USA)
[FORMAT]:.......................[ Matroska (MKV)
[NO OF CDs].....................[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 700MB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280x528
[LANGUAGE ]:....................[ English
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ English [Softcoded] - muxed
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:.............[ 01:49:45
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:..............[ 01:49:45
[ENCODER]:......................[ ShAaNiG
[SOURCE]:.......................[ Sucker Punch 2011 720p BluRay x264-Felony


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