
News Update :

21 Jump Street (2012) 720p Bluray 800MB ShAaNiG

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Credit to bi_i, BePe

Genres: Action | Comedy | Crime
Cast: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Ice Cube, DeRay Davis, Dave Franco, Brie Larson
IMDB Rate: 7.4
Synopsis: In high school, Schmidt (Jonah Hill) was a dork and Jenko (Channing Tatum) was the popular jock. After graduation, both of them joined the police force and ended up as partners riding bicycles in the city park. Since they are young and look like high school students, they are assigned to an undercover unit to infiltrate a drug ring that is supplying high school students synthetic drugs.

[TITLE].........................[ 21 Jump Street
[DIRECTOR]......................[ Phil Lord, Chris Miller
[RELEASE DATE]..................[ 16 March 2012 (USA)
[FORMAT]:.......................[ Matroska (MKV)
[GENRE]:........................[ Action | Comedy
[NO OF CDs].....................[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 800MB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280x528
[LANGUAGE]:.....................[ English
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ English [Softcoded] - muxed
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:.............[ 01:49:37
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:..............[ 01:49:37
[ENCODER]:......................[ ShAaNiG
[SOURCE]:.......................[ 720p.BluRay-Felony

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